Offroad and on the Trails

A New Look

Today I flipped the switch on a new Theme for this blog. I’m pretty happy with it so far, but because I only have limited preview functionality (I don’t have a test or staging server, for example) there’s still much to do. Or attempt to do, anyway. I have eight items on my list to tweak/code/hack/whatever, and I’m sure there will be more.

I’d like to work on the long-overdue revision of the rest of the site, and properly integrating it with this blog area, but I’m not sure I can dedicate that much time to the site right now.

In any case, I’d like to encourage feedback on the new look. Do you like it? Hate it? Ambivalent? Underwhelmed? Giddy and covered with goosebumps?

Give your feedback any way you like: a reply here, email, tweet, DM, Yahoo Messenger, face-to-face, snail mail, smoke signals… Just let me know.

August 9th, 2010 at 3:32 pm

4 Responses to “A New Look”

  1. Snuva Says:

    I love the compassy and mappy goodness. I think the only criticism I have is that the title and subtitle (‘Backroad Navigator’ and ‘Offroad & hiking in the backcountry’) should stand out a bit more – bright white or something so they don’t get lost against the background. But nice!

  2. David Says:

    Yes, agreed with those points and they are on my list. Although I like how “Backroad Navigator” brightens up when you hover over it. Text in the top/right corner is also hard to read in the first post. Much to do still…

  3. Phil Says:

    Like the header, but I find the text hard to read. Black on brown doesn’t give enough contrast.

  4. David Says:

    I agree completely, Phil. I’ve been digging around trying to find out where that pesky brown color is located, but it may b e buried behind PHP somewhere and not in the CSS. I really want to change it to more of a lighter tan color to see how that looks. I’ll keep digging for it.

    The grey text for “Leave a Reply”, etc., is even worse, and my name in the reply above is nigh unreadable too.

    I’ve tweaked the colors and positioning of the title/subtitle text, done a lot with the sidebar widgets, and upgraded to WP 3.0.1. But obviously there’s still much to do. I’m hoping to work on it more this weekend.

    Thanks for the feedback!

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