Offroad and on the Trails

12 of 12, June 2010

Wow, the most-overdue 12 of 12 yet… Sorry about that. July was even worse, when I forgot 12 of 12 entirely! It was a busy month, though mostly in good ways.

As noted on the gallery index page, this was a challenging 12 of 12 from a philosophical point of view. How does one create a 12 of 12 when you’re already taking a gazillion photos for a larger gallery at the same time? And on a day when pretty much nothing is normal?

I decided that the answer was to have a “behind the scenes” 12 of 12, a sort of gallery that emphasized candid and spur-of-the-moment shots, as well as scenery that was more ordinary than the spectacular display of nature that is Yosemite.

I came to that conclusion quickly, but unfortunately it was *after* I’d returned home. Next time this happens, I’ll know better. The thought behind these 12 of 12s is part of the appeal to me.

Anyway, without further ado, here is the 12 of 12 gallery.



August 6th, 2010 at 5:32 pm

One Response to “12 of 12, June 2010”

  1. Snuva Says:

    I like the behind-the-scenes view – especially after seeing the normal trip photos gallery!

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