Offroad and on the Trails

Hawaii, the Big Island – Part 8.5

Time for the second photo gallery, before its size really gets out of hand.

This series will finally be drawing to a close next week, after a few more posts and the final gallery.


May 14th, 2009 at 2:17 pm

2 Responses to “Hawaii, the Big Island – Part 8.5”

  1. Susie Says:

    Great pix, as usual. PS: ‘Broke the mouth’ is the same as ‘ono’. It means something is delicious or yummy, as in ‘it was so good it broke da mouth’. It’s apparently also the name of a company in Hilo that makes salad dressings and sauces, sometimes sold at the Farmers Market.

  2. David Says:

    Thanks for the explanation. It must have been that company at the Hilo farmer’s market. On rare occasions I deliberately resist Googling things, because the real explanation can’t possibly be any better than some of the weird things my imagination comes up with. 🙂

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